
MentorME Blog

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The MentorME Effect: Part 6

Discovering capabilities and strengths while maintaining a balance in all aspects of your life thanks to mentoring. Find out more about Gaby’s experience to accomplish this here.

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The MentorME Effect: Part 5

Raising our hand to the accompaniment of a mentor does not make us less, nor more vulnerable. It brings us this great opening of growth. Do you want to know how mentoring develops the empathy of those who participate in it? Read more here…

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The MentorME Effect: Part 4

Maylin shares with us a complicated situation she lived in the workplace and how she coped with it thanks to the accompaniment of her mentor. Find out more here.

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The MentorME Effect: Part 2

The second edition of the series “The MentorME Effect” is here. Where you will discover the story of Alondra Sánchez, passionate about science, technologies and sharing her knowledge with others.

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The MentorME Effect: Part 1

In this first edition of the blog series “The MentorME Effect,” learn the story of two students who were accompanied by MentorME during their career preparation and how this helped them get to where they are today.

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Mentoring from the Mentee’s perspective

Learn more about the impact that sharing experiences and knowledge to those who need it can have, as well as the origin of the importance of ensuring a growth and development of the mentee who, finally, could become an experienced mentor.

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Mentoring from the mentor’s perspective

The involvement of a mentor in a mentoring process allows them to generate personal growth at the same time as the mentee, and obtain new knowledge. Do you want to know how? Find out from the perspective of a real mentor here.

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