
Learning to connect

With years of experience working with executives from global organizations, MentorME designed a workshop for the development of mentoring skills for executives. Which will support to connect, transmit and generate a change in mentees. Additionally, training is given on how to be a good mentee, where tools are shared to exploit the knowledge and experience of the mentors, generating commitment and responsibility to the tasks assigned.


Mentor Workshop

Training carried out with dynamics and material to develop in the mentors the skills of knowing each other, establishing a vision and objectives, and making good decisions. As well as using their network of contacts and preparing mentees to continue their development at the end of the mentoring program

Mentee Workshop

Training for mentees on the responsibility of taking control and tracking the goals set by the program or mentor and asking important questions to the mentors to get the most out of the relationship


Benefits of Learning to connect

*Estudio realizado por David Clutterbuck (2011)

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