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The MentorME Effect: Part 1

Throughout our university studies, we liked to take advantage of every opportunity that came our way to grow personally and professionally. From competitions, conferences, workshops, and more. We were always believers that in each of these experiences we could obtain very valuable learnings for our present and future.

And it was thanks to this that we met MentorME who, without having imagined it, were the ones who set the course for our lives and our careers.

Our first approach with MentorME and what did we learn.

We both studied at Tecmilenio University. High school, University and now, the master’s degree. This institution constantly opened networking spaces, challenges, and competitions with different companies. One of these being Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

Our first approach to MentorME was in 2018 during the Innovation MeetUp contest, in which companies gave real problems to students so that we could solve them with innovative projects. In our registration, we decided to apply to the MentorME project: Designing a website for the brand and, fortunately, we got the first place.

A few months later, without thinking about it, we were both already working with MentorME as a developer and community manager, and our website had been developed.

This was a significant starting point where we discovered the love we have for technologies, and the way in which Marketing and Software Development can be highly complementary careers.

After this, we both started dreaming of working at HPE. A place where we were witnesses those great ideas were born that could lead to the digitalization and growth of our society.

And we succeeded!… During our final year of university, we both did internships at HPE, where we were able to collaborate more closely with the MentorME team and learn from the great minds that are part of this amazing company.

This was the point where our professional growth began, at the same time that we studied, worked part-time, officially became members of the MentorME team as a Developer and Marketing Lead and participated in mentoring experiences with other students, but as mentors!

The main learnings we took from these experiences were: always taking advantage of networking opportunities, understanding that knowledge that is not shared does not have much purpose and that there is always something we can learn from someone else, regardless of their age, studies, situation, etc.

In what aspects of our lives do we apply these learnings?

At work, understanding that everyone has something to teach you, helped us to allow us to listen to new perspectives to broaden our panorama and find new ways to overcome certain challenges taking advantage of the preparation and the different profiles that each one has.

In our personal relationships, we developed skills to be support systems, guides, and a source of inspiration to drive others to grow.

Personally, to challenge us. Always look for learning opportunities and share what we have learned from our individual experiences. For there is no knowledge more valuable than the path that each of us has already lived.

The impact that MentorME still has in our lives

In recent years our lives have changed, as have everyone’s. The challenging situation we experienced made us rethink many things, one of them being where we wanted to go professionally. This led us to make important decisions such as leaving our jobs at HPE and challenging ourselves with other opportunities that came our way unexpectedly but that we knew was the time to take advantage of. Irving started as a Front-End developer at Apex Systems, and Andy is now the Graduate Care Coordinator at Tecmilenio University.

In addition, we both decided to start with our own entrepreneurship of digital solutions for businesses, “Máscara Creativa”. This is where our relationship with MentorME evolved. Now, in addition to continuing the relationship with this project in which we believe so much, all the team members have become our mentors. They are now the ones who support and advise us constantly, betting on our growth and our business’ success. This is where we see the fruits of building valuable relationships thanks to mentoring, and the importance of sharing our experiences and learnings with future generations, because this is how we generate mutual growth in all aspects, and how we will create a better society.

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Andrea Ponce de León & Irving Jair Muñiz

Andrea Ponce de León is a Lic. in Marketing, currently an MBA student, passionate about Digital Marketing and Customer Advocacy, lover of animals, concerts, and traveling. She worked for almost three years with MentorME as a Community Manager and Marketing Lead, as well as having been Community Manager of a Customer Advocacy platform at Hewlett Packard Enterprise for almost two years. She currently serves as Regional Coordinator of Graduate Services at Tecmilenio University, and is a co-founder and Marketing Lead of the digital solutions agency for businesses: "Máscara Creativa". Irving Muñiz is an Engineer in Software Development, currently a student of the Master's Degree in IT Management. Lover of coffee, music, travel, and technologies. He has been doing independent projects as a freelancer for 3 years, worked as a Developer and Data Analyst at Hewlett Packard Enterprise for a year, was React Developer and Web Adviser of MentorME for almost three years, and currently serves as Frontend Developer for Apex Systems, while he is a co-founder and Software Development leader in the digital solutions agency for business "Máscara Creativa".

25 November, 2021