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The MentorME Effect: Part 4

My first approach with MentorME and what I learned.

Initially, a friend who had already participated in the program invited me. I was in a situation where I was not happy or satisfied with my work, and she invited me to join and find a mentor to work with me on this issue and find areas for improvement to give another vision to everything I was facing at that time.

So, I decided to join, and my mentor was always with me, and I worked a lot with him. What I learned most from this interaction was to be a little more hardworking and constant because I believe that they are the bases to take steps for personal growth and feel more prepared to take on new challenges.

In addition, I learned to be patient and to understand myself. I understood that I should be my own model of inspiration because if I don’t see myself as such, I can’t expect others to. Working on myself, my growth, what I want to get involved in, my short- and long-term goals, and what I must do to fulfill them, were my greatest teachings in this first approach.

In what aspects have I applied these learnings?

I consider that what I learned I applied in all aspects of my life, but the one in which I have tried the most to grow and improve since I started with my mentoring has been in the workplace. As I mentioned, there was a time when I felt a little bad about the way some things worked, which made me not feel like I belonged there.

Working on the above helped me understand many things, have more clarity, and begin to feel more of a commitment to my duties at a much higher level. I understood my role within the company and began to enjoy the process more than I did.

I was lost in a gray world, but mentoring opened me to a different vision in which one understands and values this accompaniment a lot because there are things that we do not see and that we feel we are doing well, but then there is someone who can advise you on how to do it even better, from another perspective.

I dare now to take challenges, look for new opportunities and understand that there are things for which perhaps it is not the right time for them to happen.

The impact MentorME continues to have on my life

MentorME left me the great teaching of learning to value myself as a professional and as a person. I have always liked to receive feedback and have accompaniment because it opens a different panorama to continue making constant improvements.

Now I know that I am capable of doing many things and achieving what I set out to do. As long as I am the one who takes the initiative to look for opportunities, not to let them pass and take them.

Every day I remember the phrases of my mentor, and every time I doubt something or present myself with some obstacle, I ask myself “Why am I not going to do it if I can?” His advice is something that continues to impact me on a daily basis in a positive way, being aware and using it as an engine to move forward. This is what has motivated me to seek my growth, learn more and do new things. Always trying to do something more every day that passes.

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Maylin Cascante

Maylin is a student of the Business Administration career and belongs to the Global Operations organization at HPE Costa Rica. She describes himself as a dedicated, responsible, and kind person, who enjoys learning and also sharing his knowledge and skills with others. She loves collaborating on new projects and innovating. Lover of nature, her favorite place is the beach, and being at home is one of the things she enjoys most to read, study, organize, and because it is where she is best with herself, with her place of peace.

7 February, 2022