
The MentorME Effect: Part 7

My first approach with MentorME and what I learned.

My concern to start with a mentoring experience was born thanks to a manager of my current job whom I saw very involved in these initiatives, and I witnessed that the people he mentored experienced a notorious growth thanks to this.

I approached him, and I realized that this had an even bigger background than I thought, because it went beyond work. It encompassed other aspects in the context of people’s lives, and this encouraged me to live it myself.

What I learned was that mentoring is a guide to growth that is like a mirror, if you are well, everything is reflected in other areas. It helps you to remove this “fog” that sometimes you put in front of yourself with negative and limiting ideas or attitudes. I worked on the things that were my responsibility and this led me to open more doors.

The first time I was presented with the opportunity to mentor was very unexpected. But it helped me see things that I hadn’t noticed in myself before. I noticed skills and knowledge that I had gained from my adaptation process by leaving college and entering the working world. And I received very positive feedback from mentees about how identified they felt with my real way of expressing myself and sharing my experiences, both positive and negative, with them. And this left me with a very beautiful feeling, touching lives in a realistic way and sharing how to overcome obstacles, helped me to know a part of me that no one had ever told me out loud.

In what aspects have I applied these learnings?

I have applied the learnings of mentoring in different areas. Now, in my work, instead of feeling projects or changes as workloads, I see them as opportunities to develop my ability to adapt and think about how I can contribute to constant improvement.

It also helped me personally, in my way of reacting to things and situations. As well as to identify all the characteristics that I did not see before and that maybe made me get out of the lane and that now I see it easier to get out of that and react to conflict situations.

The impact MentorME continues to have on my life

The biggest impact this process continues to have on my life is in the sense of personal analysis. At first, it was like looking in a mirror, and this constant study of oneself can be tiring and somewhat stressful, but it ultimately makes it easier to identify the origin of our emotions.

Sitting before a problem, analyzing the situation, and then acting from a place where the emotions have already been worked, allows us to identify which things are in our control and which are not, to avoid stress or inner conflict and try to get the best out of each situation.

What is in your hands, do it. What not, let it go.

Author's pic

Diego Alberto Bautista

Diego works in LATAM Customer Operations Care at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, specifically for Argentina. He has 4 years in the company and currently also performs the Escalation Management process for MCA, where he requests priority for emergency orders in delivery.

29 March, 2022